Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Assignment Volume Of Liquid


1.      This assignment has a ONE (1) question only. You may write in English or in Malay.

2.      Your assignment should be typed on A4 paper using 12 pt Times New Roman and 1.5 line spacing.

3.      This assignment carries a 30% weightage towards the final grade.

4.      This assignment should be prepared individually.

5.      You are to submit your assignment online through the myVLE. Please refer to the instructions in the portal for more information on how to submit your assignment online.

6.      Your assignment must be submitted before or by the 5th tutorial . Submissions after deadline are not acceptable.

7.      Your assignment will be assessed according to the specification contained in the rubric accompanying the assignment question.

8.      Your assignment should be limited to 1000-1200 words only.

9.      Plagiarism in all forms will not be tolerated. Assignment submitted will automatically be subjected  to a similarity check.

·         Assignments with 10 – 30% overlap with others will be subjected to a 20% deduction from the total gross marks scored.

·         Assignments with more than 30% overlap with others will earn zero mark on the assignment. In such cases, the course grade will be determined solely on the basis of marks obtained in the remaining components of the course assessment.


Misconception on capacity may arise among the students while teaching Volume of liquid especially when comparing capacity of two containers that can hold more. Students often make the comparison on height rather than its capacity. Find ONE (1) video in the internet that show how volume of liquid are measured. Create TWO (2) teaching aids that can be applied to Year Two students to help them understand better. Based on your teaching aids, you are required to create TWO (2) teaching activities; each for high achiever and low achiever students. Finally, you are required to develop your own blog and  post the video, teaching aid and teaching activities in your blog. You are free to choose any platform that are available in the internet. For reference you may browse at on developing your blog. You are only required to submit link to your blog.